" Beau "
op 27 September 2022 hebben we helaas afscheid moeten nemen van onze allerliefste Beau
Mijn liefste Beau
My darling Beau, I love you so
I know the time is come to let you go
But let me hold you one more time
Before I have to say goodbye
My darling mistress,I love you so,
But time has come to let me go
Please hold me close and talk to me
When I let go and let my spirit free
My darling Beau ,I must confess
that I will miss your sweet caress
of gentle paws and waving tail
when you are gone along the trail
My darling mistress,I must confess
that I too will miss your sweet caress
Of gentle hands along my back
they'll be the only thing I'll soarly lack
My darling Beau, my heart will bleed
but I know this is what you need
I will be strong and let you go
Goodbye my sweet,I love you so
My darling mistress,the time is right
to let me go to the waiting light
I say goodbye now,mistress dear
Thank you for caring and being here.
My darling Beau, I love you so
I know the time is come to let you go
But let me hold you one more time
Before I have to say goodbye
My darling mistress,I love you so,
But time has come to let me go
Please hold me close and talk to me
When I let go and let my spirit free
My darling Beau ,I must confess
that I will miss your sweet caress
of gentle paws and waving tail
when you are gone along the trail
My darling mistress,I must confess
that I too will miss your sweet caress
Of gentle hands along my back
they'll be the only thing I'll soarly lack
My darling Beau, my heart will bleed
but I know this is what you need
I will be strong and let you go
Goodbye my sweet,I love you so
My darling mistress,the time is right
to let me go to the waiting light
I say goodbye now,mistress dear
Thank you for caring and being here.